Jane Willis


Jane is the driving force behind Willis Newson, which she founded in 2002. Her knowledge of, and passion for, arts and health provide the inspiration for everything the company does.

A strong facilitator and a persuasive presenter, she is highly skilled at assessing needs and motivations and drawing these together to enable projects to move forward smoothly.

She has been a pioneer of the arts and health field since 1994, when she set up Vital Arts, the arts programme for Bart’s Health NHS Trust and in 2013 she won the Arts and Health South West Award for individual contributions to the arts and health sector. 

A thought-leader in the sector over the past 20 years, Jane is particularly committed to supporting evaluation practice. Working with Professor Norma Daykin, she has developed research programmes, training and resources to support improved evaluation within Arts & Health. [link] 

Jane is currently undertaking an Msc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes at Bristol University and the Metanoia Institute.